November 7 - "How the Media Blew the Coverage of this Presidential Election" with former Neiman Fellow at Harvard University Ira Rosen
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Thursday, 7 November, 2024 (Timezone: Eastern)

24-time National Emmy Award Winner, Ira Rosen, shares insights from decades as a producer of the show that invented TV investigative journalism, 60 Minutes, and his informed perspective on the flawed media coverage of this Presidential Election.


Jean-Yves Thibaudet

For 25 years, Ira Rosen has produced some of the most memorable, important and ground-breaking stories for 60 Minutes.  He has won every major award in broadcast journalism, including 24 national Emmy Awards, placing him in the top ten all-time news Emmy winners in broadcast history.  His report on who is responsible for the opioid epidemic won more awards for 60 Minutes than any segment in the show’s 55-year history.

During Rosen’s long relationship with 60 Minutes (beginning in 1980), his stories made news:  The Nazi Connection—the secret files on how the U.S. smuggled Nazi war criminals into the U.S. for intelligence purposes; the first interview with Jimmy Carter, after he returned to Plains, Ga, an interview conducted by Mike Wallace. He exposed the extraordinary story of FBI agent Richard Miller and his seduction by a Russian KGB agent. Rosen produced the only interview with a mafia boss Joe Bonanno which yielded revelations that convinced then New York U.S. Attorney Rudy Guiliani to indict the heads of the five mafia families in what became known as the Commission case.  Twenty years after that Bonanno story, Rosen produced an interview with another mafia boss, John Gotti Jr. that was a full hour on 60 Minutes. 


A former Nieman Fellow at Harvard University, Ira Rosen has won four Dupont awards, two Peabody awards, six Investigative Reporters and Editors awards (IRE) and two RFK awards. In 2019, he garnered two Sigma Delta Chi awards, a Murrow and Hillman awards,. He is the co-author of a book on the accident at Three Mile Island entitled, The Warning.  

Rosen has spoken frequently to academic institutions on topics ranging from the dysfunction of Congress to the current state of journalism. He has lectured at numerous law schools including Harvard, Cornell, Hawaii and Duke. He has moderated and participated in panels at the Aspen Security conference and been a regular speaker for 30 years at the Investigative Reporters and Editors conference. He has given more than 100 talks, in person and on zoom, in connection with his book “Ticking Clock” 

 He has served on the advisory boards of Meetup and Stony Brook Journalism school. Most recently, he created a shorts Miami international film festival that debuted in Feb. 2023.


Decades of Documentaries

Rosen was the senior producer and one of the creators of Prime-Time Live at ABC, a show hosted by Diane Sawyer and Sam Donaldson.  He was there from the series’ inception in 1989 until 2004, when he returned to 60 Minutes.  Rosen pioneered the use of hidden cameras for Prime-Time Live investigations. The stories included exposing racial discrimination, abuses in VA hospitals, mistreatment of farm workers, unsafe and unsanitary food handling practices inside meat packing plants and supermarkets, and political corruption in Washington. His hidden camera stories on Russian orphanages and Mexican mental retardation centers, led to reforms in those countries. The hidden camera reports became the signature stories for the broadcast.

*Rosen’s long career has often focused on corruption in Washington. He exposed the practice of congressmen and senators trading stocks on insider information that they learned in closed door hearings. That story led to a major ethics reform bill that was passed by both bodies of Congress and signed into law by President Barack Obama. 

* Rosen obtained the No-Fly List, that is used to prevent potential terrorists from flying on U.S. flights. He discovered that common names like Robert Johnson were on the list, which hampered them from boarding planes. After the story aired, the No-Fly list was amended.

* In the summer of 2005, he traveled to Pakistan and obtained the interrogation tapes of some of the most dangerous terrorists captured by Pakistan including the mastermind of 9/11, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.  

At 60 Minutes, he exposed the Senate’s dysfunction and how congressmen used campaign contributions for personal use.


Date: Thursday, November 7, 2024
Time: 7:00 - 8:30 PM - Light Refreshments to be provided by the HRCW after lecture
Location: Scarsdale Public Library, Scott Room
Cost: Free
Tickets: Register for this event using the button below
Who: Open to members and alumni
Inquiries: For further info email: